Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Learn Something

I'm just sitting on the couch trying to think of something to write about and all I can think about is going to bed and going to sleep - and it's only 830 - I think my body might still be on TX time - or - it just wants to get in bed to snuggle under the flannel sheets! lol

So - no words of wisdom - no dramatic stories - just tired old me.

I do have an online Word A Day Calendar - here are the first 4 words of the year:

\'ld-'stär\ n : one that serves as an inspiration, model, or guide
When she started her own catering business, Melinda used her father’s motto—“Trust your instincts”—as her lodestar.
\'ek-s-'ter-ik\ adj: *1: suitable to be imparted to the public 2: belonging to the outer or less initiate circle 3: external
*Trying to reach a broader audience, the geneticist faced the challenge of producing an exoteric synthesis of complex information.
\'n-'r-kn-'strk-td\ adj: not reconciled to political, economic, or social change; also : holding stubbornly to a particular belief or view
My uncle is an unreconstructed isolationist who writes frequent letters to the White House warning about trade agreements with countries overseas.
\'flak\ v : to provide publicity : engage in press agentry
The billionaire’s ex-wife has been flacking for her juicy tell-all on all the popular talk shows.

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