Monday, August 31, 2009

What The Hell!!

Have you ever walked in and seen something so weird and random that it makes you wonder what was going on before you got there?

I got home tonight - walked in the door - Buffy was there to greet me like she always is - lying on her back right in the middle of the doorway wanting someone to scratch her belly - I think she thinks she's a dog! I put my purse on the floor and headed towards the kitchen. As I got close to the kitchen I could see some dark shapes on the floor by the baby gate. First quick thought - great, Muppet pooped in the kitchen and made a big mess! I even said - what's going on in here! Then I got closer to the baby gate and realized it wasn't poop it was . . . . . . . . . . . . Blueberries!! What The Hell!! The container of blueberries that I had left on the counter was now on the floor and there were blueberries everywhere! Along with the blueberries were a nice set of purple paw prints! They went across the floor and ended at . . . . . . . . . . . . . my butcher knife!! This too had been up on the counter!! What The Hell was going on in my house while I was at work all day!

Here are some possibilities:
  • There was a rousing game of Blueberry Ball! They couldn't find the bats so they used the big butcher knife instead. Muppet hit a home run which would explain how some of the blueberries made it on to the other side of the baby gate and the purple paw prints all over the floor.
  • The cats were playing a game of - who can hit Muppet with random things pushed off the counter. The blueberries went first and then the knife. The purple paw prints show the random pattern that Muppet ran to avoid being impaled with the knife.
  • The cats started a food fight and were throwing blueberries at Muppet who then used "The Force" to get the knife so she could protect herself.
  • The three animals got together and discussed the best way to get into my head and drive me crazy when I got home. The plan they decided on was to just have random things on the floor inside the gated part of the kitchen and watch my reaction when I got home.

Thoughts? Ideas?



Crawfords said...

I think it was an act of compassion on their part to help you immediately forget about your crappy Monday at work. Excellent desserts by the way.

putbory said...

OMG! Butcher knife on the floor near the dog!? I think they are f*cking with your head. hahaha. :)