Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend Update

OK – Let’s see – who chose no drama in the pool – who had that there would be an argument when it came time for L to leave – who chose I never should have let her in the house in the first place!

If you chose no drama – thanks for your optimism! If you thought I never should have let her back in – as they say hindsight is 20/20! That just leaves us with the argument scenario – which is what happened.

Things went fairly well Friday night and Saturday. She came back around 1030 Saturday night and said she applied at 4/5 stores at Redmond Town Center. She then logged on to my PC and said she applied to QFC and Fred Meyer. I woke up on Sunday at 730 – why so early you ask – well that would be because L was on the phone with her friend Talon and was talking rather loudly! I could hear her in her room and when she went outside – I’m sure my neighbors were thrilled. I got to listen to her explain to Talon about the fight with Justin – new information is that Justin only knows about a few of the guys she has hooked up with and he doesn’t know about Colin (aka Panda) or the random people she met at parties. Have I said I’m so proud! I got up and took a shower – took out Muppet – sat down to read the Sunday paper (basically the Target Ad). L got ready – had some breakfast – and said she was going to go meet up with some friends. I asked her what her plans were – she just gave me a look. I reiterated that I said she could stay for the weekend – well that started the argument that I knew was coming. She has nowhere to go – why can’t she stay – what is it that I think she’s going to do in the house if I’m not there – she can’t find a job in 2 days – can’t she just stay here until she gets a job and finds a place to live – how am I supposed to see she can be trusted if I don’t let her stay with me. Her friends all know what she’s done and even they don’t understand why I don’t care anymore. I said – that’s interesting seeing as none of your friends want you in their house crashing for a couple of days. She said – they’re her friends so they don’t have to – I’m her family so I should be willing to help. My favorite was when she said that I never give her a chance. I just kept saying No over and over again – told her I was extremely clear on Friday that she could only stay the weekend and if she thought she was going to change my mind she was mistaken. L finally stormed out of the house.

During this time poor little Muppet was curled up tight in my lap – hiding her face under my arm. She was stressed out – didn’t move the rest of the day. When L came home later in the day she went to pet Muppet and Muppet pulled her ears back and shrank away from her – think she was a little nervous!

L came back later in the afternoon – she had spoken with Justin and he was sorry for the way things had happened and told her she could come back and stay with him until she found a place to live. She is doing another install job with Justin and his boss today.

So – as of 700 this morning she is out of the house – again.


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