Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Two Sides of L

My family has had the experience of seeing the two faces of L in one weekend - I have experienced this many, many times as you all know. Thursday's family dinner - L was on really good behavior. The ride in the car was pleasant - only 1 comment about country music on the radio. She hugged everyone Hello - she talked with her cousins but wasn't loud. After dinner she let us take her picture with everyone. When we got back to the condo she thanked me for buying her dinner. When she got to her car she told Auntie Colleen that she would call me later because she wanted to see everyone again before they left. It was very rare to see her like this - it was nice. I heard Nana tell Auntie Jan that she felt a little sorry for her - she had lost her job, lost her apartment, looked really thin, looked lost. Auntie Jan told her not to - that I had found it in me to stand my ground and say No and that Nana needed to remember that. I know that L is good at pulling the heartstrings and that one day of great behavior does not a change make. Demonstrated a few days later at Sunday's family outing and dinner.

Sunday - Original talk was to go to the outlet stores and then meet up with Nana and Papa for dinner - L only heard the Outlet Mall part - I think she was hoping to get me to buy her something there. Then on Saturday the plans changed to going to the Seahawks stadium for the tour at 2:00 and then meeting Nana and Papa for dinner at 5:30. Sunday L called at 10:30 to as she just woke up and would get here as soon as she could. While I was on the phone with her plans changed again - go to the 12:00 Seahawks tour - get to the Outlet Malls afterward - and then meet-up with Nana and Papa for dinner at 6:30. L got mad and frustrated - no way she could get here in time. We decided that I would pick her up in Factoria after the stadium tour and she would join us for the mall and dinner. OK - everything was worked out - plans were firmed up - we were on our way.

Colleen, Tony, and Krystina took the stadium tour - Krystina is a huge Seahawks fan! Lindsay, Jeffrey, the dogs, and I went to Starbucks and sat outside people watching and reading. My car - Lindsay and Jeffrey - hooked up with L in Factoria and headed up to the mall. And the other side of L reared it's ugly head. The whole way up - complaining about the radio station (country music) - why did we change plans - i thought we were just going shopping - why is dinner going to be so late. I'm so hungry - I haven't eaten all day - if I'd known it was going to be so hot out I would have worn something different. Non Stop Complaining the whole way to the Mall - 40 minutes!! I don't think she stopped to take a breath. At the mall - why are we standing in line to get in to the Coach store - this is so ridiculous - oh look at this, I really like this, it's only $xxx, wish I could buy something but I have not money. I did buy her something for a late lunch because she kept telling my how hungry she was. 15 minutes after a foot long sandwich, chips, and a soda - she was hungry again! How long are we going to be at the mall - why are the dinner reservations so late. Then all thru dinner she talked loudly about drinking - her boyfriend - marijuana - things she has done and not gotten caught for. Again - non-stop talking. It was the same on the way back to her car. When we finally dropped her off at her car and drove away my first words were - OMG! Does she ever shut up!!

My suspicions:
  1. She was either high on Thursday which is why she was so relaxed and agreeable.
  2. She was trying to pull on people heartstrings to try and get something on Thursday.
  3. She was tweeking on something Sunday which is why she was a motor mouth and so hungry.
  4. She is bi-polar and needs medication.

I wish I knew - I wish I could help - she won't listen to me, she will just agree with anything I say in order to get me to give her things and/or let her move back in.


1 comment:

Crawfords said...

I was hoping to hear more of the families reaction to her behavior, after seeing it first hand. You got anything on that?