Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lots of little things going on!

L - Last week I found a job on craigslist that sounded good for her - I called her and told her I was setting up an email address for her (one that was acceptable!) and submitting her resume. She got a call from them on Monday and interviewed with them yesterday! She said it went well and that she should be hearing from someone today. I haven't heard from her so either she got the call or didn't!! Once I know whether she got it or not I'll let you know the name of the place.

Muppet - I got home Monday night and Muppy was limping a little bit - not sure how she hurt herself seeing as she is locked up in the kitchen all day! Tuesday morning when I got up I noticed she hadn't moved at all during the night - so not like her. When I took her outside and sat her down - she couldn't use her back legs. If you've been following me for awhile then you know she has seizures - I immediately started worrying that she may have had one during the night and was now having nerve issues. I called the vet and made an appointment - she was thoroughly checked out - looks like she possibly strained her back muscles - not sure how! She may have had a seizure during the day when I wasn't home. She is on pain meds and hoping she shows some improvement in a few days. I now have a Muppet Cam!! A little web cam I have set up in the kitchen so I can watch her from work to see if she is having any seizures. I started watching her today! I discovered 3 things:
  1. She was not faking injury to get attention. She had a hard time climbing out of her bed - took her 3 tries! She then wobbled over to get some food.
  2. She sleeps a lot!
  3. Buffy - my cat - does jump over the baby gate in to the kitchen to eat dog food and then she jumps back out! I knew it!

The camera went dark around noon - when I got home the computer didn't have internet connection anymore. We'll try again tomorrow. It was rather entertaining while it lasted - the cam has a mic so I could hear the cats running around and Muppet snoring! Muppet is still not walking real well tonight but I am hoping she will show improvement by tomorrow.

Baking Peanut Butter Brownies right now! As soon as they are done I am heading to bed!


1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Being the non-animal lover that I am and with no offense to you or Muppet, this is what I read, "blah blah blah blah blah blah............Peanut Butter Brownies? When? Where?" :)