Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Scam me once shame on you . . . . .

Man - I should have known better!! I should have remembered how this always goes!! Why is it that I keep banging my head against a wall and expecting a different outcome!

Call from L tonight - in tears - saying how she hates it at Justin's - he's being mean to her - ordering her around - treating her like crap. Can't she just come and stay with me for the weekend again! Aaaaagggghhhhhh! See - I give in once and say yes and then she just expects me to always say yes and swoop in and take care of her. I never should have let her come back for that one weekend. Jason - you were right!

I stood strong though - said No - said she needed to work things out on her own. Figure out another place she can go stay. She turned on the waterworks - saying she was sorry and never planned for things to be like this. Yeah - same thing she told me two weeks ago. She says she has been trying to find a place but hasn't been able to. I am thinking she has tried has hard as she has to find a job - hmmmm still unemployed.

This could turn out to be a very long interesting weekend.


**Received another voice message from the people referenced in my previous post**

1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Yes! A personal mention by name!