Saturday, August 15, 2009

Drama . . . .

I have L back in my house for the weekend. She called me at 830 last night - she was scared - Justin was pushing her around and threatening to hit her - she was out on the deck. When the conversation first started there was a part of me that wondered if she was blowing things out of proportion - pulling something over on me to get me to let her come home. I asked her if she had found somewhere else to stay - she said no. I asked her what she wanted - she said she wanted me to help - that she never wanted to be in this situation. I finally told her that I would drive to Justin's apartment - help her get gas in her car - and she could come stay with me for the weekend. She needed to spend the weekend trying to find a place to stay and looking for a job.

So she spent the night here - she got up around noon - her friend Kellie called her and she went to go hang out with her - saying she was going to Redmond Town Center to look for a job. Not sure whether I believe that or not. I reminded her that she needed to be working on a place to stay - I still don't trust her so she can't be in the house when I'm not here. I have a feeling that there is going to be drama tomorrow when she has to leave.

I think she needs to go somewhere to start over with a clean slate - be rid of the friends that she hangs out with - get away from the potentially abusive boyfriend - when she applies for jobs she can say she moved and that's why she left her other jobs. I think moving to Tennessee with her Dad might be the answer.


1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Not good De, not good at all. You're the safety net yet again. Yes she might be in danger, yes she has nowhere else to go, yes she's in deep trouble, no this hasn't changed in the past several months. She's not in any more danger now than when she was hanging out w/ her friends all night in downtown Seattle, sleeping under the highways and doing drugs. Those people are/were just as threatening to her physical well-being as is an abusive boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, abuse is nothing to shake a stick at. It's very serious as well, but L's been in very serious trouble for quite some time now. Unfortunately I still don't think she's fully felt the consequences of her actions. I don't know what the answer is, but I'm not certain it's to be found within the walls of your home. You've gone that route before and found that it doesn't work.