Thursday, June 30, 2011


(Post from last night . . . Blogger wasn't working!)

I am getting too old for this . . . . . . . stayed up until midnight last night reading Mockingjay - the final book in the Hunger Games Trilogy.  The book was intense, emotional, and I couldn't put it down - I just had to finish it.  I'm paying for it today though - so so tired!  Not just the kind of tired where you yawn and want to sleep - it's the kind of tired that turns your brain to mush and makes you feel like you're forgetting something.  I've been like this all day - just can't shake it - so I will be hitting the sack at a more decent hour tonight - like as soon as I finish writing!

Even before staying up way too late last night I had been feeling out of sorts.  I couldn't figure it out - I had a good staycation - felt rejuvenated after the week off - but since then I just can't shake this weird feeling.  I think I may have figured it out - I don't do real well with change and there have been a few changes in the past couple of weeks.  It just disrupts the routine and throws me off balance.  I am hoping that my emotions settle down in the next few weeks so I can get back on track - don't want to ride the emotional roller coaster downwards too far - tends to get me in trouble.


1 comment:

Tony said...

5 hour's greatness when your tired...