Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Thank God I am here sitting comfortably on my couch and not in a hospital somewhere.  I took a fall down the last four stairs in the Bus Tunnel this evening on my way home!  Those stairs are marble and the floor was very hard.  I miscalculated where the last step was and - boom - down I went.  It was all in slow motion though - I thought I caught my balance but nope - landed in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.  And at the height of rush hour and many many people trying to catch the train or their bus there were lots of witnesses to this fall - many walked around me or just stared at me - one person helped me up and asked me if I was OK.  I appreciated her help.

Now what have I learned from this -
  1. The majority of people in Seattle aren't very  helpful and/or willing to help out a stranger.
  2. Marble steps are very slippery
  3. Walking down stairs and reading at the same time isn't very smart!

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