Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Thursday!

Today felt so much like Wednesday that I felt giddy when I got home and remembered that it is Thursday and the week is almost over!  Yay!!  And . . . . . . . . . it is supposed to be in the 70s this weekend!!

I met the new Missionary in our ward - he and Elder Graham were walking along the sidewalk when I took Chrissy out for a walk when I got home.  Elder Bowen is his name and he seems nice - he's from New York.  They told me that Elder Tinge got moved to his previous ward in Federal Way.  Hopefully that means that eventually he will come back here.

Right now Chrissy and I are just hanging on the couch - I'm trying to get sleepy and she is just waiting for me to go to bed - squirrely right by her so she can grab it and run to the bedroom as soon as I turn off the TV.  


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