Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fullfilling Sunday

No tears tonight - could be because I read for a bit and then I've just had Law & Order reruns on the TV.  It's been a good day - sunshine - a cool breeze coming through the windows.  Of course that means I didn't get anything done around the house! : P  I tell ya - I need someone to just come in and do this for me - I need someone that can de-clutter - organize - haul crap down to the dumpster/recycling.  I'm not lazy - I have all goo intentions of getting things done - I just get overwhelmed when I see everything - I just don't know where to start.    OK - just saw a preview for The Messiest House 5 - my house doesn't look as bad as that so I guess it could always be worse!

Miss Chrissy and her favorite toy!
Chrissy has been carrying around her squirrel toy all day.  I opened the screen door when I got home so the cats and Chrissy could go out.  I did a few things and when I looked outside Chrissy had set Squirrelly out on the deck by her little pee patch of grass - which by the way she still hasn't figured out how to use!  I just now looked over at her and she was sound asleep in her little bed on the couch and she had placed squirrelly in bed with her!  She can be so cute sometimes!  I rarely get a good picture of her because she jolts awake at the slightest movement - luckily my phone was right next to me!  Isn't she cute!!

So I already watched the season premiere of True Blood.  Next up is the season premiere of Leverage - with my sweetie Christian Kane!  Also the Series Finale of Law and Order CI - that is sad because I really liked that show - at least they brought back Goran and Eames to finish it out.  I have both set to record on the DVR - luckily I was able to watch True Blood East Coast Time otherwise I would have had to make a tough decision as they are all on at the same time on the West Coast.

Sacrament Meeting, Sunday School, and RS were all good today.  In every single one there was a message that I felt was for me.  It's amazing when that happens.  You get answers to your questions in small ways - someone that you don't know in your ward gives a talk and part of their message is an answer for you.  In Sunday school the topic continues with that same topic and then it carries over into RS.  I find it amazing when I here something that I have been searching for!

OK - tomorrow is another work day.  Time to hit the hay.


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