Saturday, June 4, 2011

Which Way Do I Go

Well - all I can say is that yesterday was very very interesting! 

My family used to tease me and say that if they dropped me in the middle of Seattle I wouldn't be able to find my way home! How about not being able to get to a place you drive to every day!  Yup - got a little lost going to work yesterday - so so sad.  I took the James street exit like I usually do - get on to James and in the far right lane so I can turn on 4th.  My problems started when I moved to get around a big truck and wasn't able to get back in to the lane - no one would let me in - so I couldn't turn onto 4th.  I thought - no problem I'll just go around the block and get back onto 4th from another street.  Great plan right!  Would have been but when I got part way around the block I didn't recognize any of the streets and somehow found myself on the other side of I5 right by Harborview Hospital!  Thank goodness for my Garmin - it got me back on track - not before I had been driving around for 15 minutes which caused me to miss Early Bird Parking which meant I had to pay $27 to park instead of $12!!  A $15 mistake!

Then - after work I took L grocery shopping then drove her home.  Backed into her driveway to make it easier to unload her groceries.  This driveway is a small version of Mom and Dad's Mirrormont driveway - very steep - so getting out of it requires a balance between brakes and gas.  My first try didn't go so well - the car never moved - nope, not because I had the E-Brake on!!  It was because I had not taken it out of park and put it in to drive! 

I'm telling you - I need to just stay put - not go anywhere!  At least it is sunny outside today so I can just hang out at home - do some reading outside.


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