Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Wow . . . . I'm not even sure what to title this post or to even explain what I am feeling in my head right now. Today I found out what it feels like to be part of a group that some people have such strong feelings of suspicion and hatred towards.  

While on FB today I chose to like a group - I liked Mormon.org.  I would guess that about less than an hour later I got an IM on FB from someone I knew in high school wanting to know when I had become Mormon.  Before I even had a chance to respond to the IM I received this private message in FB from this person -

D, they came at a time when you were at your weakest. Not to save you, but to capitalize on that weakness. The Mormon church is a cult. You are being drawn away from God, not toward Him. Please talk to a Lutheran pastor about this before it's too late. PLEASE. 

I responded to this person via IM - not accusatory or wanting to know why they were so hateful - I asked why they thought it was a cult and what was their definition of a cult?  No response to my question - just more about how I am weak - I explained that this was not a rash decision that I had been looking in to this for awhile now.

His response - What has happened to you?  How could you grow up in the Lutheran Church and make this decision?

My response - Where was all this concern when I was alone with a young child, no friends, trying to find my place?  I have looked around and the Mormon church offers what I am looking for and it's right for me?

His Response - It's not right for you - they are making you think it's what you want but God provides everything you need.

My Response - So I don't need community, friendship, acceptance?

Yeah - it pretty much went downhill from there.  I am all for everyone having their own beliefs but I am not for people thinking that their way is the only way.  It also really upset me that this person who has not spoken with me or been around me for over 18 years feels like he knows more about me than I know about myself - thinking that I am weak and being preyed upon in my "weakest" moment. If he knew anything about me he would know that I am not at my "weakest" moment and that the Mormons did not seek me out - I looked for them.  If they were preying on me why weren't they knocking on my door back in March the week that L was going through a major decision and my Little Miss Muppet passed away - that was one of my weakest moments.

It really really bothered me today - didn't make me doubt my decision - made me feel sorry for this person because they have such hatred about something they know nothing about.  I just don't understand that way of thinking.



Anonymous said...

It's not hatred. It's despair. I pray that God will open your eyes before it's too late. And if you still refuse to listen to Him, then I will mourn.

De said...

God has opened my eyes Kevin . . . My Faith in the Lord has never been stronger. I prayed for guidance and to know the truth and it has come to me. I will pray for you . . that you may know the same joy and comfort in whatever path you choose.

Anonymous said...

It sickens me to hear you talk like that. That "guidance" you claim to have received did NOT come from God. The "truth"? There is so much UNtruth in the writings and teachings and doctrine of the Mormon church, I cannot even begin to list them. The "path" you are choosing is the wrong one. I pray that someday you'll realize that.