Sunday, January 13, 2008

A New Year

I made a resolution to try new things this year and not let fear get in the way.  I have been an avid blog reader and have always thought about doing one myself.  Fear of being judges or people not wanting to read anything I had to say stopped me.  So, it is now time to conquer that fear and just do what I want!  This posting is about some of the resolutions I have made this year besides starting a blog.  I like to start out the New Year with a clean slate; this generally means cleaning and organizing the house!  I started with the kitchen this weekend; cleaning out the refrigerator and the pantry.  Have you ever noticed that there are things in your refrigerator that you don't even remember buying let alone trying to remember why you bought it!  I got rid of so many half used old items yesterday it was sad.  Of course, I then needed to go to the grocery store because all I had left in the refrigerator was condiments, pop, and butter.  Today it is time to work on the pantry.  I'll let you know what I find!  Another resolution is to put myself on a budget and stick to it.  Sundays are hard for me to do this because I love to look at the ads that come in the Sunday paper especially the Target Ad.  I can always find things in there that I think I absolutely must have right now.  Especially with a resolution to to stay organized because they always have cool containers and gadgets on sale at the beginning of the New Year for people just like me!  I looked through the ad today but so far so good I have not left the house to go shopping.  It is tough too because they have clear storage boxes on sale.  I could really use those to try and organize my child's room!  I have a teenager living in this house which is definitely an obstacle to having a clean organized house.  Any suggestions you might have for getting a 17 year old to keep their room clean and to clean up after themselves in the kitchen would be greatly appreciated!     

Time to start on that pantry!  I'll let you know if I find anything interesting.

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