Sunday, December 12, 2010


Ahhhh . . . . . . . that my dears is a sigh of relaxation!  I have had a very restful weekend.

Yesterday I took care of running some Chrissy errands to get her ready for our trip to TX - vet's for a shot and to get her health certificate then to the groomers for a hair cut.  I took her to Petco as usual but she had a different groomer this time.  I don't think this gal had much patience - I don't think she even tried to comb out Chrissy's fur - just went straight to the clippers and shaved her short.  She really scalped her - shaved her uneven - and now the poor thing is very cold.  Luckily her fur does tend to grow back fast and next time I think I may try a grooming service that comes by your house in a van and does all the grooming right there. 

Besides Chrissy errands I had to go get emissions testing done on my car - I thought it might take a while but I just drove up - had the test done - and was on my way.  My plan was to then come home and do chores but I felt like playing instead.  L had the day off from work so I gave her a call and we went bowling!  We hadn't bowled together for awhile - we had fun!  L won all 3 games but it was still fun.  She then came home with me - I needed her help - I was stuck on a computer game and I needed her to get me past this one puzzle!  She was able to do it - Yay!!!  Now I can finish my game! 

Today I received my calling at Sacrament Meeting - I am now a member of the Relief Society Activity Committee - perfect fit for me - I like planning activities.   After church I came home and have been doing some baking and getting caught up on Fringe - by caught up I mean watching this whole season so far in one night!  It's very good!  If you have never watched it you really must!

Three days of work this week then it's off to Texas.  :-)


1 comment:

Crawfords said...

You're probably already gone, but hope you have a fantastic vacation! Enjoy being with your family in TX!