Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Home By 6

Tonight was the first night since Thanksgiving that I was home by 6:00 . . . . . of course I got to work at 630 this morning.  still - it was a nice feeling to have some time in the house before bedtime!  I got some things straightened up around the house - ran the dishwasher in preperation for a whole lot of baking coming up.

I know I keep saying how Chrissy cracks me up - but really - you have got to picture this very cute small dog with a sock stuffed in her mouth running around trying to find the perfect spot to "hide" it.  Tonight she has run back and forth down the hall - to the front door - up on the couch - a chair - looked at her toy box - she has been doing this for 5 minutes now and has yet to find her spot!  OK - sock has been put down and she wasn't out here in the living room - I am thinking I will find it in my bed when I go to sleep!

So I have been having some little nagging doubts about my decision to be Mormon - I think it's because I have been overwhelmed by everything I still need to learn and my head is getting so full of information - and honestly - I'm not used to seeing the same group of people every weekend.  So anyway - I have been talking to God and letting him know my struggles.  Tonight when I got home form work there was a small gift and an envelope leaning against my door.  It was some Peppermint smelling soap (I love the smell of peppermint), an ornament that says Faith, and a Christmas card with a hand written note inside from one of my ward sisters.  It said - 
Dear D -
I am so glad you are a member of our ward and I look forward to 
getting to know you better and hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Love M

Exactly what I needed today.  God is amazing - miracles and signs don't have to be grand gestures with bright lights - they can be something as small and simple as a note letting you know that someone was thinking about you.  


PS - Chrissy just killed our Christmas Teddy Bear!!


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