Sunday, December 19, 2010

Football Sunday

Football Sunday - those two words bring to mind relaxation - watching a couple games - maybe taking a nap - quietly rooting for your home team!  Not if you're having Football Sunday at the Musielak House!  Anybody have a pair of Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones I can borrow before next Sunday!

No - I am not over reacting.  This is actually Football Ticket Sunday - every game that is going on is on TV and there is lots of switching from game to game to see what is going on - following the games, fantasy, and how they're doing in the Pick 'em pool.  When they see a play scroll across the bottom of the TV screen or a notification pop up on their computer then it's switch to that game to watch the play. 

T is in the Championship Game of Fantasy Football today - his players weren't doing well or they weren't getting any plays at the beginning so there was a lot of swearing and loud "I've Lost" "Dammit" - when we would tell him there was still enough time he grumpily said "No there isn't - I've lost"  Guess what - yup - his QB Vick came back in the 4th Qtr to score 64 points!  He is leading right now and watching Jim's final player yelling at the TV for the team to either run the ball or not to throw it to Roddy White!

Now - I had heard tales of K being louder than C and as bad as her Dad T but I didn't believe them - there is no way anyone could be like that - boy was I wrong!!  I have never heard anyone yell at the TV so loud and so much!  She was a bit vocal during the early games but once the Seahawks Game came on a different K - the Seahawks Fanatic - came out!  There were constant comments to the TV - yelling at the Seahawks - calling players Dumb Asses - Telling the defense they are worthless - now mind you I agree with most of what she is saying!

So if you are ever planning on spending Football Sunday with the Musielak Family be aware of what you're getting yourself in to and come prepared!


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