Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Miss Chrissie

OK - so yesterday was the big travel home day with Chrissie.  She did really well on the airplane - except for when we were landing in Albuquerque - it was a rather bumpy ride and she figured out how to unzip part of her bag and she started climbing out!  Luckily I was paying attention and grabbed her before she got all the way out and decided to run up and down the aisle!  I then discovered you can lock the zipper on the bag so we didn't have any more of that! 

Her first night in the house went fairly well - especially since she had spent all day sleeping!  Tonight we are going to try the crate for the first time - wish me luck!

Our first full day at home together has gone OK - she is very curious - loves the cats - likes to chew on everything!  Oh - and in one day she has gone from not being able to jump very well to being able to jump on the couch and the barrier I had put up in the living room to keep her in one spot!  I have spent most of this evening saying No Chrissie and climbing over the ottomans to chase after her.  She is a bit more agile than I am! 

Potty Training - yeah not going so well.  I need more patience and she needs to have more bladder control!!  Any advise anyone can give me - besides getting rid of her Jason - will be greatly appreciated.  I am reading The Puppy Whisperer right now but I don't think she's read it yet!

Well - night 2 is about to start - wish me luck.  Thank goodness I took this time off from work.  Tomorrow - in addition to potty training - we will be working on separation.  Need to get her used to me being gone so I can go to work on Monday.



Lindsay said...

Become a stay-at-home puppy mommy!! Hahaha!
Congrats on your new addition :-) You will love love love having her, especially once you get her all nice and potty trained!

Crawfords said...

Darn it, you stole my suggestion!