Sunday, May 23, 2010


Ever feel like your life keeps repeating itself . . . . kinda like Ground Hog Day . . . . keep reliving a certain part of your life as if you didn't get it right the first time around. Not sure why this part of my life keeps repeating though - I'm not the one having the issues! Have you guessed yet what I'm talking about . . . . if you guessed homeless L then . . . . . . . .you guessed right!

Synopsis - E & L are subletting the apartment from one of their friends. In order for them to afford it they had another friend rent out the other room - splitting the rent into thirds. They chose this person because he had a full-time job which he had held for awhile and he was someone they both got along with. Well - once he moved in he decided to stop going to work - just hung around the house doing nothing - eating all their food. Funny when L started complaining about that I had to say "Hmmm . . .kinda irritating isn't it L!" Well - the roommate has never gotten his act together - his Mom paid for his May rent but said that was going to be it so he is leaving and L & E are not able to stay on their own. E is moving to his Dad's so . . . . . . . . yup . . . . . . . looks like L is moving in with me.

As much as I know she has changed in the past 6 months I'm just not sure how this is going to work. When I finally broke down and told her fine I was actually crying . . . . not tears of joy but tears of frustration and sadness . . . . . I just didn't feel like I had any other options. I was down in TX when I first heard from L about the issue . . . just after the TX Family had said I didn't have any drama in the blog! I was stressed and then got even more stressed when someone piped up with . . . Well, it's between you and L! You know what . . .I understand that my family is probably tired of all the drama and me asking for help and guidance but you know what . . . . . I'm tired of this too . . .tired of being the sole person in L's life that she turns to to fix her problems . . . . tired of being the only person that has to make this decision . . . . tired of being the one to decide whether to say yes or no. Just once I would like for someone else to step in and tell L yes or no. In a perfect world her other parent would step in and start helping out . . . . . yeah . . . . . not gonna happen.

So far the only plus I can come up with for her moving in . . . . . . I'll have someone who can watch the puppy during the day.

Chrissie has settled in OK. Her and Buffy are getting along great . . new best friends.

I have been thinking about changing the spelling of her name . . . thoughts . . . . .suggestions . . . . . Chrissy . . . . Crissy . . . . . Krissy . . . . . Krissie . . . . . or keep it Chrissie!

This is how comfortable she has gotten ! Happy Pup!


Miss you Mup!

1 comment:

Crawfords said...

1. L - NO!!!!!
2. Is it weird if I like Krissy w/ a 'K' b/c it reminds me of Krispy Kreme? Just don't server her up "Hot and Now".