Friday, November 9, 2012

Here I Am

So it has been a very long time since I wrote on here. There have been some changes in my life – I’ve been tired all the time – stuck in one of my low points. The low points are like a vicious cycle – I get depressed, start to forget my meds, makes me more depressed, makes me forget my meds more . . . see. . . . vicious cycle. I made great efforts this week to remember to take my meds everyday and it’s amazing how much better I feel. I’ve actually been able to get up with my alarm this week and get into work by 7 like I used to – which is great because I then get to leave while it’s still light outside. I had forgotten how much I enjoy getting in to work before everyone else does. Things are looking up.

So – the changes – there were 2 big ones during the summer.

1. L’s Dad moved back to Washington. It was a surprise to both L and I. One night there was a knock on my door and there he was! It took awhile for me to get used to seeing him in my house. But now, it’s not a big deal. He and L see each other on the weekends – they hang at the house sometimes. L is really happy to have him back in her life.

2. Labor Day Weekend we found out the L is pregnant! It was a shock to her as well as everyone else. An even bigger surprise was that she was already 3 months along! A few weeks ago she had an ultrasound and we found out she is having a . . . . . . . girl! I’m going to be a Grandma!

Now that I am feeling better and I seem to have some of my energy back I will probably start writing on here again! I will keep you updated on L and talk about random things – and I may even start posting some baking blogs – Yup, I am even feeling the energy and joy in baking again.

Glad to have me back!!


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