Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vacation - Yeah Right

I haven't posted because it's just been crap crap crap in my life lately. Work has been stressful - L was arrested - my finances suck! I took this past Thurs - Tues off to burn some vacation time and to try and relax - should have known that wasn't going to happen. Friday night L had 2 friends come over - ended up staying the night. Nothing like getting up in the morning to beer cans and an empty fifth of rum all over my living room not to mention the pile of cigarette butts all over my deck!! Plus 3 people passed out on the couch - so not relaxing.

In addition - there was the drama that happened in the middle of the night. L and her friend Shea were walking to QFC at 2:30 in the morning when some random guy on a bicycle started circling around them and calling them hood rats. Shea went to talk to the guy and put his hands out to show he had nothing - the guy jumped off his bike and hit Shea in the face with a rock which knocked him out - the biker then hit him while he was down then rode off. L was not injured - Shea was taken to the ER and ended up with a black eye, broken sinus bone, fractured skull, staples in the back of his head, and stitches over his eye.

Yesterday I was at the Big Fish Games Workshop - 3rd year I've gone. I had fun - was on my way home - receive a call from L letting me know that Shea was back and staying the night - again!! I told her we needed to talk - not that night but the next when Shea wasn't here. Well - guess what - L went to work today and hasn't come home yet. I texted her and she said she was in Fall City, didn't have to work tomorrow so she didn't think she'd be coming home. Guess we won't be having that talk.

She has been here for 2 months now to save money for a new place - in the 2 months she has given me $280, removed $40, and cost me $500 in bail money. She has said its because her paychecks haven't been as much as she thought - but oh - she has certainly had enough money for alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and partying with friends. I need her to go - I need my home back.

It's back to work tomorrow. I logged in and looked at my emails and I could feel the stress flowing through my veins. So much for being relaxed from vacation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this is a free country, but it seems to me that if you walk the streets at 2 or 3 in the morning, you should just hang a sign around your neck asking for trouble.