Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Am Scattered

I told my friend at work today that the Rolling Stones were going to remake a song about me and instead of singing I'm Shattered it's going to be I'm Scattered!

I have been forgetting appointments, my phone, names, and passwords! It's really been bothering me and driving me crazy. I had a Lisa appt today and I was telling her about a few things that had happened over the last few weeks. She said "So much drama". And it dawned on us - I get scattered when there is a lot of emotional drama going on! Hello! Lightbulb! Now - we all know that with my life the way it is and with who's in it there ain't gonna be less drama any time soon! So I bought a pocket calendar and a small notebook so I can write things down - appointments and things I need/want to do.

So - you may be asking - what drama? Y'all know about the L Target fiasco a few weeks ago. Well, there also was some weird ex drama.

I received a message from L's Dad that was out of the blue and I had no idea where his anger came from. One of the main things that he wrote was that he accused me of telling the people at the Montana school to hold back any letters from him - I know what you're thinking - wasn't that like 5+ years ago!?! Now you know why it confused me. He said things like -

"Do you hate me so much that you would take it out on your daughter out of spite and revenge"

"WTF do you get off messing with your own daughter like that"

"Explain to me why you think it was ok to totally degrade me . . . Slam me . . . on your blog for all the world to see"

See - totally weird. I responded with a rather long message - which I won't repeat here word for word. Here are a few things I said.

"I would never have told anyone to hold letters. Part of her therapy in Montana was to work out her feelings of abandonment and to understand why R hates her so much"

"Did you ever think that maybe the letters never got sent. Unless you actually handed them to the post office yourself you should consider the possibility that they were never sent."

"I have never taken what happened between you and me out on L. The only person that ever did that was R"

"If my blog pisses you off then why do you read it"

" I have never used names so the whole world doesn't know who it is I wrote about"

I hadn't written about this when it happened and I think that's why I've been so scattered. So new rule - when drama happens I need to write it down and not hold the emotions in. Clear that space out for more important things - like where I left my keys!


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