I had planned on leaving before traffic hour and to make sure I got to Portland while it was still light out - soooo did not happen! Something came up in the morning which had me change the leaving time to around 230. I left around 3 - went to Target to grab a few things - needed Road Trip food and drinks. Stopped by Kits Cameras to get L's pictures I had dropped off the day before - then it was to L's place to give them to her and then I would be on my way. Well . . . on my way to L's place I realized I had forgotten my Christian Kane ticket at home!!! The whole reason for heading to Portland! At least I remembered while I was still in Washington!! So by the time I got back to my place, grabbed my ticket, and headed back out it was 600!! So much for avoiding traffic.
The traffic ended up not being too bad - I had never driven past Olympia so the drive was fun - seeing new places - and weird monuments on the side of the road - they were on the I5N side so I will stop and get pictures on the way home so you can see what I mean. South of Olympia - making good time and going just 5 over the speed limit I come up rather fast on the car in front of me and not because it was slowing down to stop - because the old woman driving her car in the middle lane was only going 50 mph when the speed limit was 70!! Come On - Really!! Then - just after it got really dark it started to really pour! Nothing like driving in the dark, on roads you have never been on before, with lots of semi-trucks, and massive amounts of water!
Made it to Portland but it took me a few turns around the block to find the hotel and the parking garage!
Now I am about to venture out into the big city and walk around - make a practice walk to Dante's to make sure I know where I'm going tonight!