Wednesday, January 4, 2012


OMG!  I just looked at my blog - I did not realize it has been since December 1 that I posted last. I will be surprised if I have any readers left.

So tonight was rather interesting. I got off work and it took me for ever to get home because all of those people that don't want to pay the toll on 520 so they are taking  I90.  It took me 45 min. to get home. I picked L up from work so I could bring her up to the house to check the mail to see if her unemployment check was here. It was, but it was only $23 instead of the $125 that it usually is - she had a meltdown- . Her work check was half of what it usually is also because of the construction they been doing everybody's hours have been cut. Of course, she's known that she hasn't been working very many hours but she seemed to be totally surprised that her paycheck was half what it usually is. She started saying that she wasn't going to be able to pay her rent and that she would have to move out and this is the worse year so far. I resisted the urge to offer money - I offered the suggestion of getting a second job - which went over like a lead balloon.  Well -  it's a good thing that I didn't offer to give her any money because after she cashed her checks she wanted me to drop her off at the Chevron so she could pick up cigarettes and beer - yes she wanted to get cigarettes and beer even though she was just telling me how she was going to have no money for rent. And then as she got out of the car I heard her on the phone calling her dealer. So she has money for marijuana but - no money for rent that's priorities.

So - question for you. Have you ever had a moment in your life where you've done something or acted a certain way that after it's over - you look back and you know that's not you -it was just very out of character to be like that. You apologize - you don't do those things again - you think it's all good.  But you find that some people are never going to forget it and that that's all they are going to remember you for. What are you supposed to do if the thing that you did happened years ago and you have shown that you're not like that. It's like what they say -  Do something good and nobody says anything, do something bad and everyone says something.  Or - your GPA goes down with one bad grade and it takes forever to get it back up.

I have heard the commercials for Dragon Speech - this software that you load onto your computer and it comes with a headset and you just talk and the computer prints what you're saying. Well I finally - after a couple of years - decided to go ahead and get the software and I am using it for the first time tonight to do my blog. As I am watching the words print out onto the screen I can see that there are some words I say that it has no idea what they are and it just prints what it thinks it is. So even though the writing of the blog at first is a lot quicker I am definitely going to have to go back through and edit to make sure that it says exactly what it is that I wanted to say - otherwise y'all are going to think I'm on drugs. I'm sure there is a way to work with the software so that it recognizes what you're saying. I guess it's time to pull out the instructions and study up on it. This was certainly nice - it went a lot faster than trying to type it all out. So I am hoping that with this I can try to keep up with my blogging and make 2012 a better year.


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