Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dictator L

If there are any countries that are missing a Dictator I know where she is . . . . . . She's living in my house!!

L has become quite the bossy person these days. Not sure if its the pregnancy hormones, the fact we've been in the same house together for 7 months, or a combination of the two. Every day she tells me what to do and nags me if I haven't done something she told me to do. If I say something to her about it she gets very pissy and says she's not being like that and I am just imagining it.

If I turn the tables and say something to her about things she needs to be doing all Hell breaks lose and she just gets angry - it's like having to walk on egg shells all the time.

I think I'm going to lose my mind before the baby gets here.


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