Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Amanda Knox

The last few days I have been riveted by the Amanda Knox story.

I watched a Dateline special about it over the weekend. Some of the things they showed about the Italian prosecutor and the "evidence" they said they had just boggled my mind. This prosecutor was actually under investigation for misconduct on a previous case where he had accused the wrong people. In fact, I believe he had been convicted on the charges and yet was still involved in the Knox trial.

I guess I am naive and sheltered living here in the US. I just figured that any country that had a judicial system would follow the same rules of evidence that we do. Of course - most of my knowledge comes from watching Law & Order reruns.

I watched the verdict come in online yesterday. Held my breath and was so relieved when they acquitted her and said she was free to go. I watched live tonight when she landed back here in Seattle. It was very emotional.

I can't even imagine what it was like for her to be in jail in a foreign country where she didn't speak the language. If and when she writes a book about her experience I will definitely be buying it.


1 comment:

Felisberto T. Nagata said...

Olá! Visitando blogs de outros países! Queria tanto q me visitasse!
Blog, muito bem organizado! Parabéns!
