Monday, January 21, 2013

New York

I’ve was in New York for a few days last week. I was there for work so I came a couple days early to see the town. When the trip was originally presented to me it was I and another girl from Finance going on this trip. I was excited – yay I’ll have someone to walk around with. This other person and I aren’t best friends but I didn’t think we were enemies either – and I still don’t think that. But what I do think is that she doesn’t really like me all that much. She made her flight and plane reservations without talking to me – so I tried to get myself on the same flight as her. Then I find out she’s actually bringing her husband along. I thought – that’s OK, maybe I can tag along on a few things just so I know someone.

I get to the airport and she’s like – Oh, are you on this flight too. I didn’t think you were on the non-stop flight. OK, weird, because I told her I was booking the same flight as her. We were staying at the same hotel so when we arrived in NY I asked if she wanted to share a cab. Oh, well you see, I thought you were on a different flight so I booked us a car and I don’t think there’s room for you. So here I am, all alone in a city I’ve never been to, not a person who has travelled much, and I have to get a taxi and find the hotel on my own. Before I left her to go get her car she asked for my cell so she could text me on Monday and we could share a cab to work. You see, this is really a vacation for her and her husband and they’re going to be busy doing all the touristy things together and don’t really want me along. I was bummed and a bit pissed. I thought this was a work trip and that we could get to know each other better but I guess not. Even if I had brought someone with me – if the other person from work I was travelling with was on their own – I would at least try to include them in dinner or something – just so that they weren’t all by themselves the whole time. That’s just me though; it’s a slight character flaw in that I always think about what the other person is thinking/feeling bad wouldn’t want them to be sad or alone.

Now – the trip was a nice perk from work and I don’t want anyone to think I am ungrateful – because I’m not. I just wish I had a different co-worker travelling with me. I’m not a very adventurous person so wandering around this big city on my own was a bit overwhelming.


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